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5 home remedies to tackle flea infestation on pets

5 home remedies to tackle flea infestation on pets

Dogs love to spend time outdoors and it is common for them to get infested with fleas. But, these parasites may irritate your furry buddy, cause itching, allergic reactions, and even spread infections. Moreover, fleas can get into the house, spread, lay eggs, and multiply. So, it is crucial to find ways to prevent or treat flea infestations. Here are some home remedies that help get rid of flea infestation on pets.

Vinegar or apple cider vinegar spray
One of the best home remedies for flea infestations on pets is using vinegar or apple cider vinegar topically. All you need is a clean spray bottle and some white or apple cider vinegar. Start by mixing the vinegar with the water in an equal ratio. If your dog dislikes the smell of vinegar, you can make a dilute concoction by adding three parts water and one part vinegar. Spray this mixture over your dog’s coat while avoiding the eyes or any open wounds. Let this air dry. Alternatively, you can use a cloth dipped in vinegar and wipe it over your dog.

Rosemary wash
Rosemary is another natural repellent that can help with flea infestations on pets. You can use it by creating a rinse wash for your dogs. To make the wash, start by boiling a few cups of water, then add rosemary leaves and continue to boil it for around 30 minutes. Allow the water to cool and then strain out the leaves. Pour the cooled solution onto your dog’s skin and coat and let it dry naturally. You can also give your pet a rosemary wash by rinsing them with the rosemary-infused water after a bath.

Lemon bath
Another great home remedy for pet flea infestations is a lemon bath. This is easy to make and will leave your pet fresh, clean, and flea-free. All you need is half a cup of fresh lemon juice and two cups of water. Once you’ve made this mixture, mix it with a pet soap or shampoo. You can then give your furry friend a wash or bath with this liquid soap. It is a safe and natural way to treat fleas.

Neem oil
Neem oil is nutrient-rich and has many health benefits. What many do not know about neem is that is also a great and natural repellant for insects including fleas and ticks. You can simply rub it on your dog or dilute it with water and a pet-safe soap to make a flea-repellent spray.

Coconut oil rub
Speaking of oils, coconut oil is also a natural flea repellent. Rubbing a spoonful of coconut oil directly onto your dog’s fur can not only prevent fleas but also help them obtain a shiny coat. Coconut oil is also known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Although these home remedies help get rid of fleas on pets, you may check with the veterinarian before trying these on your pet.

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