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5 things to know about sleep gummies

5 things to know about sleep gummies

Individuals may observe various health and environmental factors affecting their sleep quality. A lack of proper rest could affect their daily routines as they might feel fatigued. Such individuals might resort to taking sleep gummies before going to bed. These gummies may help improve sleep quality and level. However, many people may want to know what they are and their efficacy. On that note, here are five things one should know about the gummies.

Sleep gummies are usually made from a combination of various ingredients to induce sleep, including melatonin and L-theanine. Melatonin is a hormone the body naturally produces to help one fall and stay asleep. L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves that helps relieve stress. Therefore, it may reduce anxiety by affecting brain waves, which is required for better sleep. The gummies may contain other ingredients, including several natural ones, that may help promote better sleep. One can usually find the ingredients listed on the manufacturer’s label.

Potential benefits
The primary benefit of sleep gummies is to help one get ample rest. Since gummies are relatively new to the market, the research to support their benefits is still under assessment. However, some studies may support the ingredients in sleep gummies, as mentioned above. One should also remember that the potential benefits of sleep gummies are short-term solutions and may not treat insomnia wholly. So, it is better to consult a healthcare professional before beginning the course.

Who it’s for?
Sleep gummies with melatonin might be indicated for adults with temporary sleep problems or to assist with jet lag. It may also help people with a condition known as sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD). Chewables like gummies with melatonin may also help children sleep. However, one should speak with a healthcare professional before taking any form of melatonin, including sleep gummies.

If a healthcare expert gives the go-ahead to take sleep gummies, an individual should take them as directed. These are usually meant to be taken before going to bed. Those who take them in the morning or afternoon might feel drowsy early on. The amount of time the effects of a sleep gummy lasts depends on the ingredients. Studies indicate that after a dose of about 1 to 5mg, most people’s melatonin levels peaked within one or two hours and returned to normal about four to eight hours later.
One should also remember that natural melatonin levels rise around two hours before bed. Therefore, it is important to have a consistent bedtime routine to help signal the body for increased melatonin production. But the property affects everyone differently. So, one must undergo a trial and error phase with a professional to determine when and how much to take melatonin to stay asleep.

Possible side effects
Sleep gummies are still to be regulated by the FDA. This is why one should not take them without consulting a healthcare professional and knowing any potential side effects. The chewable – which may contain melatonin, L-theanine, and other sleep-inducing properties – might work in each person differently. The most common side effects include dizziness, morning drowsiness, and headaches. As for children, one should speak with the child’s pediatrician before starting them on sleep gummies.

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