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6 common dental implant mistakes and how to avoid them

6 common dental implant mistakes and how to avoid them

Dental implants are one of the game-changing advancements in the field of dentistry, providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. It involves implanting artificial tooth roots that improve oral health and reinstate the ability to bite and chew without discomfort. However, the success of dental implants largely depends on proper planning, execution, and aftercare. Avoiding a few common mistakes in these stages can help individuals prevent complications, pain, or implant failure.

Choosing an inexperienced implant dentist

Selecting the right dentist is crucial for the success of one’s dental implant procedure. It is advised to research a dentist’s credentials thoroughly, seek suggestions from family and friends, read patient reviews and testimonials, and before-and-after photos of previous implant cases. Going to a dentist who doesn’t have proper training and experience can result in incorrect placement, infection, and other post-implant complications.

Not disclosing one’s health history

People with existing health conditions, especially diabetes, cancer, or autoimmune diseases, should communicate the same to their dentist. In addition, one should also disclose any ongoing remedies or treatments to confirm if they will not interfere with one’s implant and affect the healing process. A dentist who is aware of one’s medical history can suggest a treatment plan that suits one’s needs.

Rushing the healing process

Patience is key when it comes to dental implant recovery. Rushing the healing process by applying excessive pressure on the implant site, chewing on the implant side, going for food items that are too spicy or hard to chew, or returning to regular physical activities too soon can jeopardize the integration process of the implant. One should strictly follow the dentist’s suggestions regarding one’s lifestyle changes and nutritional restrictions to ensure the speedy and long-term success of the implant.

Ignoring oral hygiene

One of the most significant mistakes individuals make with dental implants is neglecting their oral hygiene. Lack of oral care can cause bacteria to breed in one’s mouth and cause infections, tooth decay, or even implant failure. Therefore, brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash is crucial to prevent plaque buildup and gum disease.

Using teeth improperly

Indulging in habits like nail-biting, crunching ice, or using one’s teeth for opening bottle caps or tearing packages may pose a significant risk to the durability of one’s dental implants. These habits exert pressure on the implants and affect not only the stability of the implants but also the health of one’s natural teeth.

Not conveying any discomfort or issues promptly

Dental implant procedures may typically involve some discomfort during recovery, and one’s dentist might give a general idea of what to expect during recovery. However, if one experiences any pain, swelling, bleeding, or other unusual symptoms, it’s crucial to communicate them promptly. Ignoring them or attempting self-remedies may cause irreversible damage.

By avoiding these mistakes, one can enjoy the many benefits of dental implants for years, including improved confidence, enhanced oral health, and a beautiful smile.

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