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6 mistakes parents make in their kids’ online safety

6 mistakes parents make in their kids’ online safety

The internet is the best example of technology that can be both blessing and a curse. While it connects people worldwide and provides easy access to information, it exposes users to unwanted and potentially harmful content. Children usually quickly learn and adapt to new situations in this digital age, leaving parents responsible for ensuring their kids are safe in the digital world. Here are some mistakes parents must avoid regarding their children’s online safety.

Creating a social media account too early
Most social media platforms mandate users be at least 13 years old to access them. However, some parents allow their children to create accounts on various social media platforms at a very young age. It exposes children to many forms of explicit content, cyberbullying, and threats. Such experiences at an early age can impact their personality and decision-making abilities and even lead to psychological conditions. Therefore, before creating an account for kids, parents should ensure their child is mature enough to use them.

Maintaining public social media accounts
Tracking people using open profiles on social media has become common these days. Anyone can generate a list of potential passwords based on information from public profiles about friends, current locations, and travel plans, leaving them vulnerable to identity theft. It can also endanger a child’s safety. Parents should avoid having open accounts and, if necessary, avoid tagging areas, exposing children’s identities, and revealing school locations and vacation plans to avoid potential harm.

Not setting screen time
Experts believe that children overexposed to screens from a young age are prone to mental health issues. So parents should monitor their children’s screen time, the websites they visit, and their online activity. Limit overall screen time for entertainment to 1 to 2 hours each day. Screen media should be avoided for children under the age of two. Keep TVs and other digital devices out of your child’s bedroom. It will ensure that children are raised in a healthy environment.

Ignoring password protocol
Many are aware of how secure passwords protect electronic devices from harmful entities like hackers. However, some parents fail to supervise their children when they use electronics at home. Although complex passwords might prove challenging when one has to type them frequently, they are necessary to protect the child’s privacy, home address, school location, and other confidential information. Password protection for even unwanted apps and accounts helps prevent unintentional data leaks and keeps everyone safe.

Ignoring signs of distress
Parents should always be on the lookout for warning signs and teach their children to inform them immediately if they spot any suspicious or dangerous activity. Excessive gaming, anxiety caused by device loss, a lack of interest in offline leisure activities, and isolation from family or friends can all result from excessive electronic use. Furthermore, it could lead to poor posture and health issues. If parents notice these signs, reduce their kids’ screen time and discuss the drawbacks of excessive online activity. In addition, it will improve planning and help the kids understand the outcomes of excessive internet use.

Not installing parental notification app
Despite parental supervision and screen time limits, children may face difficulties. In such cases, parental notification apps will prove helpful as they monitor text messages, emails, YouTube, and more than two dozen social media sites. In addition, it helps detect potential issues such as cyberbullying, online predators, adult content, violent behavior, and more. If a problem occurs, parents will be alerted, enabling them to find solutions to protect their children more quickly.

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