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6 mistakes to avoid when battling the flu

6 mistakes to avoid when battling the flu

Conditions like the flu and common cold are not easy to dodge. Almost everyone gets the flu at least twice or thrice a year, and those with seasonal allergies face flare-ups as soon as the weather changes. While the symptoms typically persist for 3-5 days, sometimes, they last longer. This can be exacerbated by mistakes a person may commit while recovering from the flu. So, here are some common mistakes that need to be avoided.

Keeping up with usual routine
When one is down with the flu, their immune system works harder than usual to combat the germs. Therefore, the body requires all the energy possible to fight the flu. Resting, napping, and sleeping as much as possible are ways to help the system recover. But instead, if one continues to power through their usual routine, such as going to work or school, it will take longer for the flu symptoms to get better.

Ignoring the flu symptoms for too long
The flu takes about a couple of days to a week to subside. But for proper symptom management, one must pay attention to the signs and take necessary precautions. Taking enough rest, making healthy nutrition choices, and taking flu prescriptions are some ways to get better. However, ignoring and not doing anything about the symptoms will only worsen the condition.

Not drinking enough fluids
The body temperature rises during a flu due to the immune system working overtime. Besides, there is mucus buildup, headaches, and body pain. Most of these symptoms can cause severe dehydration. So one must fuel up by increasing their fluid intake. It is not just water that will help in staying hydrated, one must also have soups, fresh juices, herbal tea, and broth, among other similar items. These will not only regulate the body temperature but also help thin the mucus and alleviate the various aches and pain.

Skipping meals and snacks
The body needs sufficient nutrition and fluids to help battle the flu. But this can be challenging since flu causes loss of appetite. So it is easy to commit the mistake of skipping meals and snacks. However, the immune system needs the calories and nutrients to deal with cold and flu viruses. When one eats complete meals and snacks on healthy foods as required, the body gets the necessary energy. All of these help in getting better quickly.

Stressing out a lot
Having a flu can be annoying and lead to discomfort and pain. But if one starts to stress out a lot while battling flu, it will only worsen the symptoms. Stress increases the production of a hormone known as cortisol in the body, which increases inflammation, which aggravates congestion and pain. Therefore, it is important to focus on staying relaxed so that one recovers faster.

Continuing to exercise
The onset of flu often indicates that the body needs to rest as much as possible. While low-intensity exercises such as mild walking and low-impact stretching can help ease pain and discomfort, high-intensity exercises must be avoided. Running, going to the gym, weight-lifting, and so on can make the flu worse, especially if one has fever, nasal congestion, cough, and stomach pain.

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