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6 ways to enhance bone health and strength

6 ways to enhance bone health and strength

Our bones perform various crucial functions, like facilitating movement, providing the body with a structure, and protecting the internal organs. But unfortunately, many people do not have healthy bones. Around ten million nationwide have osteoporosis, while 44 million have bone-density issues. Low bone density and weak bones increase the risk of fractures and mobility problems. The following are a few ways to prevent bone diseases and build strong and healthy bones.

Choose calcium-rich foods
Bones are the primary calcium reservoirs, with nearly 99% of the body’s calcium concentrated in them. Thus, calcium is vital for optimal bone health and physical well-being. To acquire calcium, one’s meal plan should consist of foods rich in this nutrient, such as dairy and dairy products (if one is not lactose intolerant), soybeans, leafy green vegetables, figs, and lentils.

Have foods rich in vitamin D
Studies have shown that the body requires vitamin D to produce a specific hormone essential for optimal calcium absorption. Therefore, besides having foods high in calcium, one should incorporate vitamin D-rich foods into their meals. Salmon, tuna, beef liver, eggs, mushrooms, and vitamin D-fortified orange juice are a few foods that ensure calcium absorption and facilitate stronger bones.

Engage in physical activity
Exercise has many positive effects on the bones and the muscles. Some bone-strengthening exercises to engage in regularly include walking, jogging, dancing, resistance training (including lifting weights), and playing a sport. Individuals should consult a health expert to recommend exercises suitable for them when dealing with a bone condition.

Increase protein intake
Nearly 50% of the human bone volume consists of protein; consequently, low protein consumption is linked with the onset of bone diseases. A meal plan comprising up to 100 grams of protein per day is essential for strong bones. Eggs (with the whites), dairy products, seafood, soybeans, lentils, and lean meats like beef, poultry, and pork are excellent protein sources and should be consumed regularly.

Have foods rich in vitamin K
The role of vitamin K in facilitating healthy bones is often underrated. According to studies, this vitamin activates proteins governing bone formation and mineralization, a process essential for bone strength. Vitamin K is bifurcated into vitamins K1 and K2, and a deficiency in these is associated with bone problems. Some foods rich in vitamin K include leafy greens like spinach, kale, and brussels sprouts; hard-cheese varieties like Swiss and Gouda; cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and arugula; eggs; and chicken.

Avoid sugary foods
A sugary treat after a sumptuous meal may seem like a great idea. But excessive sugar intake increases the excretion of essential nutrients like calcium and magnesium through urination and lowers the levels of active vitamin D in the body, hampering bone health. Hence, it helps to limit sugar intake. One should avoid added sugar and replace it with natural sugar sources like fruits and fresh fruit juices.

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