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8 foods that can manage menopause and its symptoms

8 foods that can manage menopause and its symptoms

Aging brings its own set of health concerns. For women, menopause is one of them and cannot be avoided. A natural process of the body, menopause commonly occurs in women aged 40 years or older. It also brings along a slew of symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, headaches, cognitive decline, and depression. Therefore, it is important to be armed with knowledge, resources, and tools for the proper management of this condition.

Cruciferous vegetables are considered beneficial for women approaching the age of menopause. Broccoli is often top of that list. It has been linked to decreased risk of breast cancer which is a trigger for menopause. Its high antioxidant content protects the body against oxidative damage and a possible cancer scare. Broccoli also reduces the amount of inflammation in the body.

Satiating, healthy, and nutritious, edamame is a great choice for any meal. It is also regarded as a healthier alternative to soy. It packs a lot of phytoestrogens that help the body cope with its depleting levels of estrogen.

Oats are rich in fiber and can prevent constipation on regular use. They may also help improve digestion, and lower blood glucose levels, and cholesterol levels in the body. People going through menopause are more likely to experience these issues and can benefit from making oatmeal a part of their daily meals.

Olive oil
A rich anti-inflammatory food, olive oil also packs a punch of antioxidants. Regular use of olive oil helps mitigate the risk of multiple health concerns that can arise due to the difficult menopause stage. This includes heart health conditions, cognitive health decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.

Menopause brings with it an increased risk of fractures due to reduced bone density. This results from loss of calcium from the body – a side effect of hormonal changes. To make up for it, milk and milk products can come in handy. They are also rich sources of essential compounds like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin D. It is also said that milk and milk products may help improve the quality of sleep in people going through menopause.

Studies suggest making rich sources of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals a part of daily meals can highly benefit people experiencing menopause symptoms. Studies suggest a healthy quantity of these ingredients at every meal can result in a healthier mind and body. It was seen the people that followed this rule religiously were less likely to experience higher intensity or frequency of menopausal symptoms.

Eggs are one of the food items that are frequently referred to as superfoods. They are powerhouses of essential amino acids providing the body with bioavailable protein in the right quantity. Eggs are also rich sources of vitamin D, essential for calcium absorption and storage. Since menopause can cause calcium deficiency and subsequent health concerns, eggs are beneficial for symptom management.

Salmon is a well-known source of healthy fats in meals. It is also a rich source of vitamins and Omega 3. The inclusion is salmon in meals is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer, reduced menopausal pains, and palpitations. Research brought forth the efficient work of salmon in effectively reducing menopausal pain. In addition to these benefits, salmon also has vitamin D in high quantity. It further helps in the maintenance of bone density and better absorption of calcium in the bones.

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